When should I treat the postpartum wind and how?

Hello, I’m Park Ji-hyun, director of Wirye Haeoreum Oriental Medicine Clinic, which helps mothers take care of their health and lose weight.Pregnancy and childbirth are the most amazing and surprising things a woman has ever experienced. There is a lot of joy after childbirth, but if proper postpartum care is not supported, pain can occur in various parts and inconvenience in daily life, so it is important to take care of your health.The mother’s body is weakened because blood circulation is not smooth during pregnancy and bones, ligaments, and cartilage tissue are greatly distorted in the process of giving birth to a child. However, there are many pregnant women who are too busy taking care of their babies right now to take care of themselves. However, if you don’t pay enough attention on time, your body and mind will become weak, so this part also affects the care of your children and requires careful management.Today, I will explain about the postpartum wind that many women can experience. What is postpartum wind?Simply put, it refers to various symptoms that occur after giving birth to a child without due care. It is an oriental medical symptom with cold air floating in the body, and it is accompanied by autonomic neuropathy syndrome and rheumatoid joint disease as well as swelling and painful muscle pain, resulting in a wide range of psychological symptoms such as fire disease and emotional disorders. Among the patients who come to the hospital, they ask a lot of questions about when to receive treatment for postpartum wind symptoms, i.e., when to treat postpartum wind symptoms. If symptoms appear through self-diagnosis, early management without delay can help prevent symptoms from getting worse.If anemia, headaches occur frequently, chronic fatigue, chills and cold sweats, depression and anxiety, dizziness, heavy chest symptoms, loss of appetite, stiff shoulders and neck, and joint pain symptoms appear after childbirth and do not disappear. When do you often experience postpartum wind symptoms?If you suffer from malnutrition due to folic acid, excessive bleeding, usually weak constitution, and severe morning sickness during hormonal imbalance delivery, and if you fail to take good care of your body within 6-8 weeks after cesarean section, you are more likely to experience physical strain.Usually, symptoms appear within two months of childbirth, so you should think about the timing and get treatment if there is a match in the self-diagnosis items. Oriental medicine is running out of blood, so please continue to take it for 2-3 months. You usually stay at the kitchen for about two weeks, but it takes a short time to recover properly, so careful care is needed. Also, if you don’t treat it in a timely manner, it can last and cause difficulties, so it is recommended to get proper treatment as soon as possible. What kind of treatment is used for postpartum wind symptoms?I judge the mother’s constitution such as acupuncture, moxibustion, and herbal medicine and proceed according to the necessary procedures.In order to help the body recover, fish blood and oro must be efficiently removed and the uterus must be healthy. In particular, herbal medicine is recommended because it helps to replenish the weakened mother’s blood and promote her ability to recover after childbirth.In addition, drugs that strengthen joints and ligaments can be used to reduce pain, which helps improve breast milk quality, swelling and weight loss, and improve immunity to help blood circulation.Since ingredients are carefully selected one-on-one in consideration of the patient’s physical condition, it is not a uniform treatment, so you can expect beneficial effects for each individual. It also improves psychological depression and increases energy, especially for those with weak physical strength. When can I take herbal medicine for postpartum wind?Although there are slight differences between individuals, it is usually recommended to take it after 3-5 days for natural childbirth and 7 days for cesarean sections.There are a lot of people who ask me about this part because they are worried that they might gain weight by taking herbal medicine. Oriental medicine strengthens the circulation of air and blood and the recovery of the weakened body, so it can be said that swelling and fish blood are removed and rather helpful.Depending on the mother’s current situation and constitution, postpartum wind symptoms, timing, and when to receive treatment are all different, so individual diagnosis is essential to improve her physical condition. Also, if you actively engage in treatment and combine supplements with lifestyle management, you will get good results. If a mother is not healthy, her child’s health cannot be protected. If left unattended when various pains appear after childbirth, you may suffer from pain for the rest of your life, so please go to a place where you can help and get proper treatment. Thank you.Also, if you are curious about the postpartum diet period or postpartum diet, you can click on the image below to see a helpful solution in the YouTube video.- It’s a good sentence to read togetherWhat would be good for Chuna Therapy of Oriental Medicine Clinic? Wirye Korean Medical Center’s Chuna Therapy requires correction of distorted body and musculoskeletal system caused by degenerative changes and incorrect posture…blog.naver.comWhat would be good for Chuna Therapy of Oriental Medicine Clinic? 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